
Lecture Summary Biography
Relaxations in extremely long-time scale in metallic glasses
Weihua Wang
Institute of Physics, CAS & Songshan Lake laboratory
Glassy materials are structurally disordered and heterogeneous and, are metastable and nonequilibrium. The relaxation dynamics in super long-time scale in glassy state is of crucial importance for understanding the stability and deformation of glassy materials, and remains a long-standing issue for glass materials and physics. Relaxations in glassy state involve wide time scales, and within different time and length scales different dynamic modes show correlation but also have their own unique features, making them complicated and difficult to study. Here, we have implemented a complementary approach to systematically investigate the relaxation dynamics in metallic glasses (MGs) over the super long-time scale and at different length scales. We found in glassy state a new relaxation decoupling, and constructed the link between different dynamic modes as well as that between macroscopic and microscopic relaxations. Based on the knowledge of the relaxation dynamics, we proposed and eventually succeeded in synthesizing ultrastable MGs on room temperature cold substrate.
Relaxations in extremely long-time scale in metallic glasses
Weihua Wang
Institute of Physics, CAS & Songshan Lake laboratory,
He is a professor in Institute of Physics, CAS & the director of Songshan Lake laboratory, China. He leads a group working on formation and properties of amorphous alloys and glasses under extreme conditions. Prof. Wang had conducted research in Germany as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow. He has visited various world-renowned universities and research institutes as visiting professor. He is the Academician of CAS, and The World Academy of Science (TWAS) Fellow, and APS fellow.

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